We are thrilled to announce that we have recently signed grant agreements with 20 beneficiaries to promote labor rights, report violations, and engage in social dialogue with public authorities in Kosovo. These projects, which will be implemented over the following months, will work to improve the working conditions for vulnerable categories of employees, specifically within the private sector. This includes addressing issues such as workplace health and safety and promoting social dialogue between workers and duty bearers.
This grant scheme is funded by the European Union in Kosovo as part of the “Protecting and Promoting Labour Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Labour Market” project. ATRC is responsible for the contents and implementation of the project, and we are honored to have been chosen to lead this important initiative.
Our website is the best place to stay informed about the progress of these projects and learn more about the work we are doing to promote labor rights in Kosovo. Visitors can find detailed information on the project, the grantees, and the impact we are making.
We are committed to working with our grantees to bring about positive change for vulnerable workers in Kosovo and we are grateful for the support of the European Union in making this possible. The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of ATRC and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union in Kosovo.