Who we are?
- Who we are?
Supporting civil society and fostering a democratic culture in Kosovo
Our Profile
The Advocacy Training and Resource Center believes that a strong civil society sector is fundamental precondition for democratic functioning of the state and public institutions. In addition to this, ATRC is committed to focus its support to the local level which has been largely ignored in the recent years. The primary goal of the ATRC through grant giving will be to strengthen the democratic norms of government such as accountability and transparency, and respect for human rights, including minority rights.
Another major component of this program will be financial assistance for nongovernment organizations, especially grassroots organization an community initiative that seek to mobilize citizens to address everyday challenges.
The ATRC will provide grants to organizations that will seek to raise awareness among the citizens about their rights, and foster a democratic culture in the society. In this context, the ATRC will also support activities that seek to raise awareness about the minority rights or the rights of on-majority communities in Kosovo, as well as activities that will promote awareness about the environment and campaign for green agenda in public policies, especially at the municipal level. ATRC will be supporting activities that seek to address gender issues and structural challenges and discrimination in the society against women.
Our Mission and Vision
Where we want to be?
Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) is a Kosovar non-governmental and non-profit organization that its vision is an enabling environment that fosters democratic resilience and active citizenry.
Mission of ATRC remains largely focused on increase citizen and civil society participation in decision-making, in order to promote democratic values and norms.
The achievement of the vision and mission of the ATRC, are facilitaed by three overall objectives of the organization:
- Support citizen adn civil society participation in decision-making process through development of capacities:
- Strengthen citizen and civil society participation in decision-making process through community activities that foster resilience, and
- Facilitate citizen and civil society participation in decision-making process through.
These three overall objectives form the three main programs of the ATRC, and are centered on the core of the mission of the organization, which is to increase citizen and civil society participation in decision-making process.
Facilitate through advocacy

Support through capacities

Strengthen through resilience

Citizen and civil society participation in decision-making

Our History
Who we are?
ATRC was established in October 2001 as a key implementing partner for the USAID/EWMI Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP). Initially, it was part of the Forum, but later moved under the auspices of the Foundation for Democratic Initiatives (FDI), which led to its independence as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in June 2003.
The initial goal of ATRC was to create a vibrant advocacy training and resource center. During 2002 – 2005, ATRC leads a network of 27 Kosovar NGOs called AvoKo. In September 2005, ATRC formalized a partnership agreement with the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) to support the development of Kosovo NGO’s under the USAID funded Kosovo Civil Society Program. Through our enhanced role as a full-service NGO training, resource and information center, ATRC is working to strengthen the autonomy, effectivness, sustainability and impact of the NGO sector as a major catalyst in the development of a vibrant civil society and responsive democratic governance.
It has established an extensive Information Program, consisting of frequent public discussions; a monthly e-newsletter, “The Advocate”; advocacy publications; and a diverse library, with over 600 titles. As a part of it’s Capacity Building Program during Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP), ATRC has trained over 1000 NGO representatives with it’s 40 available trainers.
Since, 2005, ATRC has it’s own trainers and consultants who trained over 500 NGO representatives in key areas of NGO organizational development, managment, advocacy and fund raising.