- History

ATRC was established in October 2001 as a key implementing partner for the USAID and East West Management Institute’s Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP) and became an independent non-governmental organization in June 2003.
Our organization was established with the purpose of creating a vibrant advocacy training and resource center. During our first active years 2002 – 2005, ATRC led a network of 27 Kosovar NGOs called AvoKo. In September 2005, ATRC formalized a partnership agreement with the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) to support the capacity building of Kosovo NGO’s under the USAID funded Kosovo Civil Society Program. Today, ATRC is a full-service training, resource and information center. ATRC works to strengthen the capacity, engagement, sustainability, and impact of the NGO sector as a major actor in the development of a vibrant civil society and a resilient democracy.
ATRC has widened its scope of work since our establishment, having implemented advocacy projects on a wide range of topics including children’s rights, civic engagement, environment, business, labour rights, justice, and property rights. We have been implementing projects on building communities’ resilience to violent extremism since 2018. Through all these projects, ATRC has continued to build the capacity of NGOs but also other actors including local and central institutions, youth centers, non-formal groups and start-up businesses.