
Training & Mentoring support

ATRC provides capacity building support to CSO and other civil society actors, as well as local institutions. Through both in-house and external experts, ATRC can provide support in the formats of workshops, mentoring or by leading your change management process. 


Whether you are an NGO, a youth center, advocacy group or another team aiming to make change in your community, ATRC provides tailored workshops. Our workshops are tailored to improve your organization or team’s operational capacity or increase your knowledge on a specific topic.  


If you need specific support with a task or process, or want additional support after a workshop, ATRC also offers mentoring and on-the-job support. Our experts can provide you with support in your office to successfully complete assignments or processes. 

Change Managment

Our team is experienced in leading the change management of local CSOs. If you are looking to boost your organization’s growth, our team of experts will support you through a process of assessment, planning and execution or a change plan through workshops, mentoring, and on-the-job support. Our team will lead a process that will support your CSO to transform, grow and reach its full potential.