- Components
Capacity Building
ATRC in close cooperation with the Partner CSO’s will implement capacity building programs for key local stakeholders and civil society actors to support access to land and property registration services on cadastral reconstruction, building and construction legalization, geodetic services, mediation services and initiation of potential legal solutions, mediation of court disputes related to ownership and property rights, and information on the new law on cadaster, among others.
The activities will directly contribute to the State and Peacebuilding Fund’s objectives by engaging local government authorities in Kosovo to determine mechanisms and gaps that restrict the ability of minority groups such as Roma communities from registering and/or legalizing their land and properties and determining more effective mechanisms for service delivery in the land sector (state building). The activities will also help to foster the socioeconomic conditions for peaceful, stable and sustainable development (peacebuilding) by helping to provide vulnerable communities with the necessary and legally backed documentation for strengthening land tenure security and provide a pathway for their participation in the broader economy (e.g. using land titles as collateral for bank loans for starting businesses, development of real estate markets, etc.). Moreover, Piakos activities will help foster government and non-government stakeholder cohesion (i.e. Kosovo Cadastral Agency (KCA) and CSOs) for scaling up targeted messaging and tailored service provision for increasing land and property registration among Kosovo’s diverse ethnic minority communities.
Partnership with Civil Society
ATRC intends to cooperate with a minimum of 10 civil society organizations who will carry out door-to-door activities across at least 27 municipalities in Kosovo over a three-year period.

The primary focus will be on awareness raising among women and girls, engaging with young people in 250 secondary schools and universities, and reaching out to non-majority communities.
Free legal aid will be provided for matters concerning inheritance and other property rights, covering issues related to marriage, divorce, or court disputes.
Public Outreach and Awareness
The three-year public awareness campaign, aimed at enhancing access to information and counseling services, will specifically target women, youth, and minorities across the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
a) the development of targeted communication strategies to involve specific ethnic minority communities on land and property rights in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
b) national and local awareness campaigns to raise awareness on property registration and dispute resolution mechanisms;
c) workshops and focus groups in municipalities and villages with significant ethnic minority communities on property registration;
d) court monitoring on property rights issues;
e) advocacy campaigns at the municipality level for the adoption and harmonization of the procedural and legal framework for property rights;
f) targeted counseling services to help ethnic minority citizens on land and property registration documentation;
g) activities to raise awareness on the registration of physical addresses using associated e-services; and
h) free legal aid, legal services and procedural assistance in property registration for war widow communities in targeted cadastral areas of the Member Country’s territory. Under this component, ATRC will work with at least 10 implementing partners mainly CSOs and grass-root organizations to conduct public outreach and awareness activities aiming to improving access to information and counseling services for ethnic minorities in Kosovo to increase access to land and property registration and strengthen tenure security. Furthermore, a formal cooperation with Cadastral Agency, Association of the Municipalities, and Municipalities prior to implementing the program will be achieved.