- Procurement
Dear Madam/Sir,
- Invitation to Submit Proposals
ATRC is inviting proposals from Kosovo-based CSOs and Consulting Companies to produce a document mapping the needs of Kosovo communities in accessing services, dispute resolution mechanisms, and rights related to acquiring ownership and final registration of immovable property. The scope includes identifying awareness gaps, assessing the level of awareness and counseling support needed, and providing recommendations. The selected contractor will be responsible for communication, coordination, data collection, analysis, and the preparation of reports.
You are cordially invited to submit a proposal electronically via email to the address specified in paragraph 4, in accordance with the enclosed specifications in Section III: Data Sheet and Scope of Work and Section V: Technical Proposal and Financial Submission Form
- Submission Deadline
Your proposal must be received by 16:00 o’clock on 29 December 2023, and should remain open if the final date for the submission of this procurement activity is extended. All submitted documents must adhere to the requirements outlined in the tender dossier.
III. Required Submission Documents
You are required to complete and return the following documents:
- Cover Letter and Declaration on Honour on Exclusion Criteria and Absence of Conflict of Interest
- Technical and Financial Submission Form along with all appendices listed as requested in the Data Sheet and the Instruction to Bidders section.
- Procurement Activity Details
Contract Title: Mapping of the Community Property Needs – Baseline Data
Our Reference: RFP 11/2023
Date of Publication: 13 December 2023
Closing Date: 29 December 2023
Contracting Authority: Advocacy Training and Resource Center
Project: Public Information and Awareness Services for Vulnerable Communities in Kosovo (PIAKOS)
Contract Number: TF0C2485
Funded by: World Bank through the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), acting as administrator of the State and Peace Building Multi-Donor Trust Fund.
Email Address for Submission of Bids: [email protected]
Please find enclosed the tender dossier, including the following documents:
Click on the titles to download documents
Section I: Request for Proposals (RFP)
Section II: Instruction to Bidders or Consultants
Section III: Data Sheet and Scope of Work
Section IV: Cover Letter and Declaration on Honour on Exclusion Criteria and Absence of Conflict of Interest
Section V: Technical Proposal and Financial Submission Form
- Inquiry and Clarifications
For additional information about this procurement activity and Terms of Reference, please send your questions to the contact person below:
E-mail: [email protected]
Closing Date for Questions: 20 December 2023.
By submitting a proposal, you accept to receive notifications of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means. Please ensure that you submit your proposal in the manner and by the time described in the Instructions and Information for Tenderers section.
Yours sincerely,
Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC)