Grant Support
- Grant Support
To date, ATRC has provided 295 financial grants to NGOs, schools, youth centers and other community-led groups.
// Grant Support
ATRC is committed to creating an enabling environment for Civil Society’s role in a participatory democracy
We facilitate Civil Society participation in Kosovo both through financial grant support and through offering services. Our team and external experts build operational capacity and increasing thematic knowledge by providing resources, offering trainings and mentoring, and helping them advocate for policies. ATRC aims to contribute to a stronger participatory civil society, also ensuring inclusivity of CSOs led by different communities.
// Current Grant Support
- Currently, there are 21 small grants active.
- Under PIAKOS, 11 civil society organizations will carry out activities across at least 27 municipalities in Kosovo over three years, starting from March 2024. Local civil society organizations will be engaged to support the national cadastral system, institutions, and key stakeholders in conducting a public outreach campaign, which will help population groups navigate the land registration process across Kosovo.
- As part of the resilient & inclusive communities, 5 CSOs are implementing activities on prevention of violent extremism.
- 5 more grants are being implemented under the project of countering discrimination, hate speech, and gender based violence projects.
Grant beneficiaries:
Asociacioni i Gazetareve të Kosovës, Prishtina
Project Title: Combating Gender-Based Violence Through Responsible Journalism
Project Location: Kosovo
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Raise Awareness and Sensitize Young Journalists:
Project Goal: Empowering youth to counter Discrimination, Hate speech and gender based violence
Britmi i parë, Prishtina
Project Title: Empowerment Chronicles: Youth Narratives against Discrimination, Hate Speech, and Gender-based Violence in Documentary Films
Project Location: Prishtina and four other towns across Kosovo
Project Duration: 8 months
Thematic: The production of three short documentaries by young filmmakers focusing on issues related to discrimination, hate speech and gender-based violence
Project Goal: Empowering youth to counter Discrimination, Hate speech and gender based violence
Center for Education and Community Development – Friends, Mitrovica
Project Title: Të rinjtë e shkollave të mesme dhe gratë punëtore të bashkuar kundër diskriminimit në tregun e punës, dhunën me bazë gjinore dhe bullizmin
Project Location: Mitrovicë Jugore
Project Duration: 8 months
Thematic: Fuqizimi i të rinjëve dhe grave në parandalimin e diskriminimit, dhunës me bazë gjinore dhe bullizmit.
Project Goal: Empowering youth to counter Discrimination, Hate speech and gender based violence
Communication for Social Development – CSD, Gracanica
Project Title: Youth in Action Against Discrimination
Project Location: Gracanica Municipality
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: The main aim is to establish an action youth team in Gracanica municipality, raise them awareness and build up capacities to adequately analyze, recognize and counter discrimination and hate speech, as well as to address this necessity to local decision makers
Project Goal: Empowering youth to counter Discrimination, Hate speech and gender based violence
Jakova Innovation Centre, Gjakove
Project Title: “Empowering Voices: Youth-led Multimedia Against Discrimination”
Project Location: Municipality of Gjakova, with a focus on urban and rural areas to ensure widespread impact.
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Educate and engage youth in identifying and countering hate speech and discrimination.
Project Goal: Empowering youth to counter Discrimination, Hate speech and gender based violence
Fishbone, North Mitrovica
Project Title: Ngjyra e Bashkëpunimit
Project Location: North & South Mitrovica
Project Duration: 3 months
Thematic: Inter-ethnic dialogue
Project Goal: activate youth from all communities in North and South Mitrovica to collaborate in creating art while working towards dialogue and social cohesion between youth from different ethnic backgrounds.
Iniciativa Qytetare Skenderaj (IQS), Skenderaj
Project Title: Fuqizimi i të rinjve për dialog ndërkulturor, luftim të ekstremizmit dhe gjuhës së urrejtjes
Project Location: Skenderaj
Project Duration: 3 months
Thematic: prevention of violent extremism
Project Goal: Empowering and raising the awareness among Skenderaj youth on violent extremism, hate speech; promoting religious tolerance
Klubi RinON, Ferizaj
Project Title: Unity Month: Embracing Diversity & No Hate Speech Campaign
Project Location: Balaj & Dubravë.
Project Duration: 4 months
Thematic: social cohesion
Project Goal: build bridges between young people from different socio-economic backgrounds, raise awareness on hate speech and discrimination, empowering young people to advocate in their communities
LIZA-R, Gjilan
Project Title: Promoting non-violent communication
Project Location: Gjilan
Project Duration: 3 months
Thematic: preventing violent extremism
Project Goal: Strengthen the support system of young people by raising the awareness of violent extremism among youth, parents and teachers; promote non-violent communication.
Qendra Rinore Hareja, Vushtrri
Project Title: Say NO to violent extremism
Project Location: Vushtrri
Project Duration: 2 months
Thematic: preventing violent extremism
Project Goal: raise awareness on the risks of violent extremism; promote dialogue, tolerance and community empowerment; encourage civic engagement of youth in their communities.
Handikos Mitrovica, Region of Mitrovica
Project Title: Being a person with disabilities in the labor market
Project Location: Mitrovica
Project Duration: 4 months
Thematic: Labor rights of the persons with disabilities in the labor market in Mitrovica
Project Goal: The main goal of this project was the develop a research report “Being a person with disabilities in the labor market”. This report present in detail the situation of persons with disabilities in the labor market in the region of Mitrovica.
Project Title: Labor rights and social responsibility
Project Location: Kline
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Identification of the most frequent violation of the rights of workers, especially women, at the workplace in the municipalities of Klinë and Istog.
Project Goal: The goal of this project was to draft a research report on situation of labor rights in private sector in the municipality of Klina and Istog.
KOMS, Pristina
Project Title: Health at Work
Project Location: Gjilan, Mitrovica, Prishtina
Project Duration:5 months
Thematic: Raising awareness toward the health of the miners specifically, the respiratory system.
Project Goal: The project goal was to report the health status of miners. Reporting the use of protective equipment during work (regulated by law), providing health examination and consultation for miners, raising awareness of risk factors at work for this target group and accurately reflecting their health status.
Institute for Research and Human Rights, Pristina
Project Title: Increasing awareness and benefits from formal employment in the hygiene maintenance sector
Project Location: Pristina, Podujeva, and Fushe Kosova
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Increasing awareness of public and private institutions in improving working conditions for workers in the hygiene or cleaning sector.
Project Goal: The project goal was to raise awareness among employees in the hygiene maintenance sector, in the declaration of employees or self-employment, as well as respect for the working conditions that are provided by Labor Law No. 03/L-212.
Center for Psycho-Social and Medical Research – QHPSM
Project Title: (Dis) Respect of labor rights in the private sector, with a special focus on pregnant/maternity leave women’s rights
Project Location: Pristina
Project Duration: 5 months
Thematic: Raising the awareness of workers through the promotion of their rights, with special emphasis on pregnant women, who unfairly continue to be discriminated in the labor market.
Project Goal: The project goal of the project was to research and shred a light into the violation of the right to maternity leave and how the court handled those cases.
NGO Durmish Aslano, Prizren
Project Title: Emancipation of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities on labor rights in the municipality of Prizren
Project Location: Prizren
Project Duration: 4 months
Thematic: Improving the working conditions for vulnerable categories of employees, especially members of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, emphasizing more the implementation of administrative/legal norms in relation to labor rights for this group which they are not aware of.
Project Goal: The project goal of the project was to raise awareness at Roma, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian community on labor law.
SEED, Pristina,
Project Title: Hours, Breaks and Holiday Entitlements in the BPO sector in Kosova.
Project Location: Pristina
Project Duration: 3 months
Thematic: Identifying the labor rights violations at the BPO sector companies.
Project Goal: The goal of this project was to research the work policies of BPO companies, especially holiday entitlements and contractual schedule, and see if their practices go against the human and labor rights of their employees.
Organization for Legal and Social Research – OMNES, Pristina
Project Title: Promoting the labor rights of persons with disabilities.
Project Location: Pristina
Project Duration: 4 months
Thematic: Improving employment opportunities for persons with disabilities by empowering individuals with disabilities to start or improve their work through new skills acquired from the project.
Project Goal: Raising the capacities of people with limited abilities through their engagement in training and research that was carried out by “OMNES”, as well as identifying the challenges they face, and addressing them to the decision-making institutions.
Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture, North Mitrovica
Project Title: Advocating for a better position of pregnant women and young mothers
Project Location: North Mitrovica, Zvečan, Leposavić and Zubin Potok
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Providing support to women in Kosovo by raising awareness about the importance of non-discrimination in the field of labour law, as well as identifying the attitude of citizens, primarily women, about the rights and obligations of employees.
Project Goal: The project goal was to deal with the problems of pregnant women and young mothers through the structured identification of measures, strategies, and recommendations aimed at women’s inclusion in the public and business scene, and this will be carried out through meetings and focus groups with women from the aforementioned.
Social Housing and Property Rights in Kosovo (SHPRK), Pristina
Project Title: Promotion of women’s Labour rights, during pregnancy and maternity leave
Project Location: Prishtina, Fushë Kosovë, Prizren dhe Shtërpce
Project Duration: 5 months
Thematic: Ensuring adequate knowledge for reporting violations of labor rights for women.
Project Goal: The goal of the project was to promote labor rights and labor law for women in the private sector, to provide adequate knowledge for reporting violations of labor rights to women and to strengthen and promote social dialogue.
Kosovo Association of the Blind, Pristina
Project Title: Blind people and labor market in Kosovo
Project Location: Kosovo
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Mobilizing institutions and create conditions for the employment of blind persons according to the Law on training, rehabilitation and employment of PWDs, as well as the creation of better conditions to avoid discrimination and inequality in the workplace, for people with who are already employed.
Project Goal: The purpose of the “Blind persons and the labour market in Kosovo” initiative was to shed light on the employment status and opportunities for blind individuals and promote equal treatment in society.
Kosovo Glocal /Kosovo 2.0 (K2.0), Pristina
Project Title: Enhancing public support for the protection of workers.
Project Location: Kosovo
Project Duration: 10 months
Thematic: Strengthen the interest and ability of the public to individually and collectively protect labour rights in Kosovo.
Project Goal: The project goal was to shed light on the safety and other work conditions by producing in-depth, independent, multimedia and journalistic content the workers rights.
Ngo LIZA-R, Ferizaj
Project Title: Together for the welfare of private sector workers!
Project Location: Gjilan, Kamenice, Viti
Project Duration: 7 months
Thematic: Promotion and protection of labor rights of marginalized groups and advocacy to the relevant institutions for implementation of the Labor Law.
Project Goal: The project goal was to build capacity through activities engaging multiple stakeholders and citizens, these include trainings, public discussions, information sessions, and an advocacy campaign.
Economic Bulletin, Pristina
Project Title: Discrimination and exclusion: Violations of workers’ rights in different sectors in Kosovo
Project Location: Kosovo
Project Duration: 10 months
Thematic: Increase general awareness about violations of workers’ rights in order to influence decision-makers to take actions and be proactive in complying with Kosovo labor legal frame, in order to improve the working conditions in particular and well-being of citizens in general.
Project Goal: The goal of this project was to highlight the types of working discrimination and poor conditions faced in Kosovo, especially by marginalized groups such as women, youth and minorities.
Institute QIKA, Pristina
Project Title: Equality in the workplace, regardless of gender
Project Location: Pristina, Gjakova, Prizren, Podujeva, and Mitrovica
Project Duration: 10 months
Thematic: Increasing the awareness of women employed in the private sector about forms of gender-based discrimination in workplaces, as well as reporting violations to the responsible institutions.
Project Goal: The project goal was to promote awareness and advocate for labor rights, particularly for marginalized women.
NGO Dragash, Pristina
Project Title: Protection and promotion of the rights of workers of vulnerable groups in the labor market in Dragash
Project Location: Dragash
Project Duration: 6 months
Thematic: Gender equality, promotion of equal labor market opportunities and treatment at work; and protection and promotion of the labor rights of ethnic minorities
Project Goal: The project goal was that through the selected activities and the pragmatic approach combining capacity building, stakeholder involvement and media utilization to make an even greater impact, this project has served as an umbrella for all young men and women in the municipality of Dragash advocating for gender equality, promotion of equal labour market opportunities and treatment at work as well as protection and promotion of labor rights for young people from the Goran and Boshjak community.
Movement FOL, Pristina
Project Title: Workers, the law protects you.
Project Location: Kosovo: Gjakova, Gjilan, Kamenice, Peja, Prizren, Suhareka, Vushtri
Project Duration: 7 months
Thematic: Promoting the Law on Labour and the Law in Protection of Whistle-blowers in Kosovo, among private sector companies.
Project Goal: This project goal was to use a variety of activities that directly contribute to the increasing of the implementation of the new law on Protection of Whistle-blowers in Kosovo as well as the Law on Labor.
Future Development Centre – FDC, Pristina
Project Title: Increasing the awareness of workers and employers about protective measures in the workplace
Project Location: Gjilan and Pristina
Project Duration: 7 months
Thematic: Promotion of protective measures related to safety and health in the workplace in the construction sector and other productive sectors in the region of Pristina and Gjilan
Project Goal: The purpose of the project was to increase the awareness of employers and workers regarding the role and importance of safety and health measures at work.
Pro Consulting Services, Ferizaj
Project Title: Right to Work, Safety at Work
Project Location: Ferizaj
Project Duration: 7 months
Thematic: Raising awareness of construction employees of their rights at work based on the law in force, the obligations that the employer has towards them regarding the creation of working conditions specially regarding safety and health at work, their rights with the preceding articles of the Law on Safety and Health at Work, information about the legal ways for the creation of the employment relationship, improving conditions at workplaces regarding safety and health at work including all Personal Protective Equipment and conditions which should be provided by the employer
Project Goal: Promoting labor rights under construction based on Labor Law No.03/L-212 and also increasing Safety and Health at work for Construction employees
NGO Divine Women, Pristina
Project Title: Labor rights for all without distinction
Project Location: Gjilan and Partesh
Project Duration: 7 months
Thematic: Promotion of labour rights and labour law among the most vulnerable categories, especially in the private sector and Ensuring adequate knowledge for reporting violations of labour rights
Project Goal: The goal of this project was to acquaint employees with their rights, especially employees who do not have a higher education and who are far from information and perhaps do not have the knowledge to search for laws and guidelines that protect and regulate the rights of women workers
Engagement for Equity
Grant beneficiaries of Rapid Response Fund are:
November 20, 2015
Project Title: Boys and men, a part of the solution – show that you are against violence
Organization Location: Mitrovica
Project Location: North and south Mitrovica, Skenderaj, Vushtri
Project Duration: 1.5 months (20 november – 31 december 2015)
Theme: Empowering women through enhanced awareness of women’s property rights
Project Goal: Raising awareness of citizens and responsible institutions on economic and social benefits from the equal treatment of women in the inherited property.
16 November, 2016
Project Title: Amendment and change of administrative instruction Nr.10/2010 for volunteer work of youth
Organization Location: Pristina
Project Location: Kosovo wide
Project Duration: 1.5 months (16 November – 31 December, 2015)
Theme: Expand youth participation
Project Goal: To amendment and change the administrative instruction Nr.10/2010 for volunteer work of youth in Kosovo
12 July 2019 – ATRC signed agreements with ten (10) local non-governmental organizations, grantees of the 8th round of Engagement for Equity – E4E Program, implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC), and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Grantees of the 8th Round are:
Project title: Beyond numerical parity: Empowerment of women assembly members in local governance
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Istog/k, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Prizren
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
Project goal: Analyze and transform the decision-making process in Kosovo to allow for an increase of women’s substantive political participation in it, in the interest of the represented and in a responsive manner to them.
Project Funds: $42,725.50
Project title: Empowering women in economy through entrepreneurship
Location of organization: Lipjan
Location of project implementation: Lipjan
Project duration: 9 months
Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
Project goal: Increase local economic growth by empowering women in the artisanal crafts, traditional food and flower industries.
Project Funds: $20,813.50
Project title: Women property rights – fiction or rule of law?
Location of organization: Gračanica/Graçanicë
Location of project implementation: Gračanica/Graçanicë, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Ranilug/Ranillug, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Klokot/Kllokot, Parteš/Partesh, Štrpce/Shterpce, Peja/Peć, Klinë/Klina and Istog/k.
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
Project goal: Promotion of women property rights through enhancing and strengthening of women’s role in society, capacity building and improvement of cooperation with local institutions.
Project Funds: $38,160.00
Project title: Empowering women to seek their inheritance rights
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
Project goal: Increase awareness by advocating and promoting mechanisms which ensure women to fully enjoy their property rights guaranteed by the law.
Project Funds: $43,180.00
Project title: Stand for her property!
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
Project duration: 14 months
Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
Project goal: Raise awareness among women and children on women’s property & inheritance rights and empower women to seek that right.
Project Funds: $46,594.00
Project title: Increased awareness and capacities related to housing rights
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Prizren, Suharekë/Suvareka, Drenas/Glogovac, Obiliq/Obilić
Project duration: 10 months
Theme 3. Increased Protection and Awareness of Vulnerable Population’s Rights
Project goal: Contribute to the Kosovo society efforts in being a transparent country where the rights of marginalized people are protected with the emphasize on the vulnerable individuals and families in need for proper housing.
Project Funds: $24,194.80
Project title: Advocacy for regulation on the registration procedures for social enterprises in Kosovo
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
Project duration: 8 months
Theme 3. Increased Protection and Awareness of Vulnerable Population’s Rights
Project goal: Advocate for improving second legislation of the social enterprise sector toward regulation approval on the registration of social enterprises entities in Kosovo.
Project Funds: $10,900.00
Project title: Vocational Education and Employment in relation to Disability in Kosovo
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 4. Expand Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
Project goal: Improve the access of students with disabilities in the field of vocational education, thus contributing to increasing employment opportunities in the labor market.
Project Funds: $46,059.05
Project title: Youth 4 Change
Location of organization: Pejë/Peć
Location of project implementation: Pejë/Peć, Deçan/Dečani, Istog/k, Klinë/Klina, Junik, Gjakovë/Đakovica
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 5. Expanding Youth Participation
Project goal: Create space for constructive and substantive youth involvement on demanding more effective, transparent and accountable local and national governance.
Project Funds: $38,114.00
Project title: Social Media Management – a Positive Alternative for Kosovar Youth
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Ferizaj/Uroševac, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Podujevë/Podujevo
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 5. Expanding Youth Participation
Project goal: Contribute to the prevention of violent extremism among youth in three municipalities, by engaging youth in Social Media Management workshops, which will increase their skill-based employability, improve their capacity for critical thinking and increase their self-confidence, thus enabling them to become active participants in the labor market.
Project Funds: $36,598.00
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying for E4E grants!
10 January 2019 – ATRC signed agreements with eleven (11) local non-governmental organizations, grantees of the 7th round of Engagement for Equality – E4E Program, implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC), and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Grantees of the 7th Round are:
Project title: Economically sustainable woman – independent woman
Location of organization: Gračanica/Graçanicë
Location of project implementation: Ranilug/Ranillug, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Kamenicë/a
Project duration: 8 months
Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
Project goal: Support the establishment and promotion of functional inter-ethnic women association on municipalities of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Ranilug/Ranillug and Kamenicë/a to build up their capacities, support internal administrative development and connect women with major bussinesses in Kosovo with the participation of local self-government and CSOs.
Project Funds: $24,728.00
Project title: Women managers in public sector – facilitation the transformation from quantitative to qualitative approach
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština, Novobërdë/Novo Brdo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Obiliq/Obilić, Gllogovc/Glogovac, Vushtrri/Vučitrn, Kamenicë/a
Project duration: 15 months
Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
Project goal: Contribute to a higher representation of women in public institutions through activities which install a gender balanced mindset in different groups of society.
Project Funds: $49,000.00
Project title: Strengthening women’s equal property rights in Kosovo
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
Project goal: Strengthen women’s property rights by providing them with greater information about the importance of formal property rights and raising communities’ overall legal awareness.
Project Funds: $39,276.75
Project title: My work, my property!
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština, Gjilan/Gnjilane
Project duration: 8 months
Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
Project goal: Empower young women to claim their rights for financial mainentance and their joint marital property rights in Kosovo.
Project Funds: $24,836.00
Project title: Empowering LGBTI people in Kosovo
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Focused in Prishtinë/Priština with coverage in seven main regions
Project duration: 20 months
Theme 3. Increased Protection and Awareness of Vulnerable Population’s Rights
Project goal: Promote and defend LGBTI rights through enhancing the capacities to advocate for LGBTI rights and increasing awareness of key stakeholders to positively influence policy processes of LGBTI people.
Project Funds: $76,850.24
Project title: Teacher profile building, recruitment and development from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Gjakovë/Đakovica, Mitrovicë/a
Project duration: 20 months
Theme 3. Increased protection and awareness of vulnerable populations’ rights
Project goal: Increase access, opportunity and awareness in education for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Project Funds: $46,394.00
Project title: Inclusivness – a social value
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština
Project duration: 10 months
Theme 4. Expand Participation of People with Disability (PwD)
Project goal: Ensure legal protection for persons with disabilities in accordance with their constitutional rights
Project Funds: $32,460.00
Project title: Quality and inclusive education for children with disabilities
Location of organization: Pejë/Peć
Location of project implementation: Pejë/Peć, Deçan/Dečani, Junik
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 4. Expand Participation of People with Disability (PwD)
Project goal: Increase the number of children with disabilities in the education system in the municipalities of Pejë/Peć, Deçan/Dečani and Junik through advocacy, identification and community awareness on the importance of inclusion.
Project Funds: $37,870.00
Project title: For youth, by youth
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Hani Elezit/Elez Han, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Viti/Vitina
Project duration: 14 months
Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
Project goal: Empower at-risk youth in the municipalities of Hani Elezit/Elez Han, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Gjilan/Gnjilane, and Viti/Vitina through implementing activities that offer both positive alternatives to youth, as well as develop the resilence and skills to sustain them in the long-term.
Project Funds: $24,996.00
Project title: Point of view
Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide with the focus in Prishtina/Priština and Mitrovicë/a
Project duration: 10 months
Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
Project goal: Enable a positive alternative participatory environment that encourages and empowers young women and men to engage in public life.
Project Funds: $24,578.00
Project title: Youth for youth
Location of organization: Gjakovë/Đakovica
Location of project implementation: Gjakovë/Đakovica, Rahovec/Orahovac, Malishevë/Mališevo
Project duration: 12 months
Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
Project goal: Prevent violent extremism through the creation of areas for productive discussion, advocacy and promotion of youth participation and development of cross-sectoral cooperation in the municipalities of Gjakovë/Đakovica, Rahovec/Orahovac and Malishevë/Mališevo.
Project Funds: $21,200.00
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying for E4E grants!
20 April 2018 – ATRC signed agreements with twelve (12) local non-governmental organizations, grantees of the 6th round of Engagement for Equality – E4E Program, implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC), and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Grantees of the sixth Round are:
- Project title: Role of Media in Promoting Participation of Women in Governance
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Prizren/Prizren, Ferizaj/Uroševac and Štrpce/Shtërpce
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
- Project goal: Address socio-cultural barriers that hamper women’s political empowerment and increase the capacity of women involved in governance. The project focuses on improving the image of women in governance that will lead to a greater interest of women to get involved in politics, economy and governance processes in general.
- Project Funds: $24,674.40
- Project title: Women’s Economic Forum – Unlocking Women’s Economic Potential in Kosovo
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
- Project duration: 15 months
- Theme 1. Women in Governance and Economy
- Project goal: Improve the policy environment and raise public awareness to shape attitudes for increased women’s active participation in Kosovo’s economy. The project focuses on developing specific policy recommendations based on research, advocate at diverse segments of society and government, as well as conduct innovative and awareness raising activities to increase women participation in the labor market and improve the market conditions to provide more equal opportunities for women.
- Project Funds: $42,700.00
- Project title: Empowering women to seek their inheritance rights
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide with the focus in all Serbian municipalities
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project goal: Raise awareness of Kosovo citizens on issues related to women inheritance rights and educate the public and public institutions on best practices on addressing this issue.
- Project Funds: $45,170.00
- Project title: Raising the awareness of citizens on women’s rights on property and inheritance
- Location of organization: Gjilan/Gnjilane
- Location of project implementation: Anamorava region, municipalities of Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kamenicë/Kamenica and Viti/Vitina
- Project duration: 10 months
- Theme 2. Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project goal: Empower women on equal opportunities and access to property and inheritance rights. The project focuses on advocating for implementation of the Law on Property and raise awareness of women and men about women’s property and inheritance rights as guaranteed by the Kosovo Law.
- Project Funds: $15,940.70
- Project title: Increased Awareness of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Youth on Legal Mechanisms against Gender Based Violence and prevention of the GBV phenomena
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Pejë/Peć, Istog/Istok, Deqan/Dečani and Klinë/Klina
- Project duration: 18 months
- Theme 3. Increased protection and awareness of vulnerable populations’ rights
- Project goal: Reduce the number of Gender Based Violence Victims (GBV) of women in Kosovo and improve lives of women from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities. The project focuses on reducing cases of domestic violence of women from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, education of women, mobilization of youth in addressing issues of domestic violence, as well as sharing information with the main stakeholders on prevention of violence against women.
- Project Funds: $44,670.00
- Project title: Improving legal and social environment for LGBTI rights in Kosovo
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Kosovo wide
- Project duration: 18 months
- Theme 3. Increase protection and awareness of vulnerable populations’ rights
- Project goal: Demand the accountability of governmental and public institutions for enabling the exercise of the rights and strengthening the social public services for LGBTI community in Kosovo. The project focuses on monitoring and tracking the implementation of National Action Plan (NAP) for LGBTI rights and improving the legal framework for strengthening the social protection of LGBTI community in Kosovo.
- Project Funds: $43,743.50
- Project title: Mainstreaming Disability in the Development Processes – MDDP
- Location of organization: North Mitrovica
- Location of project implementation: North Mitrovica, Zvečan/Zveçan, Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok and Leposavić/Leposavic
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 4. Expand Participation of People with Disability (PwD)
- Project goal: Include people with disabilities (PwD) in decision-making in the community planning and development processes. The project focuses on developing advocacy capacities for PwD, encouraging active participation and social inclusion, foster equal opportunities, social protection, employment, accessibility for PwD, anti-discrimination and promotion of disability rights.
- Project Funds: $35,670.00
- Project title: Inclusive governance for people with disabilities
- Location of organization: Ferizaj/Uroševac
- Location of project implementation: Ferizaj/Uroševac
- Project duration: 15 months
- Theme 4. Expand Participation of People with Disability (PwD)
- Project goal: Increase civic engagement of PwD and raise awareness of the rights for PwD in the society. The project focuses on developing Municipal Strategy for PWD in Ferizaj, establishing a working group for monitoring the implementation of the Municipal Strategy for PwD, and developing the PwD database in municipality of Ferizaj.
- Project Funds: $44,070.00
- Project title: Social Enterprise Dëshira
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Prizren
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 4. Expand Participation of People with Disability (PwD)
- Project goal: Establish the program of social enterprise that will specifically contribute towards the increasing protection of rights for PwD. The project focuses on developing and promoting opportunities for social business, and strengthening capacities of PwD on employment – as a method of economic independence.
- Project Funds: $29,747.00
- Project title: Energize Community with Youth Engagement, Creativity and Innovation
- Location of organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of project implementation: Peja/Peć, Klinë/Klina and Istog/Istok
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
- Project goal: Develop a better dialogue and communication between the youth and local government, through an active participation of youth in the decision-making processes. The project focuses on developing and implementing youth municipal policies, enhance the capacities of youth by equipping them with advocacy tools for youth interests in sports, and increase youth participation in sport activities.
- Project Funds: $46.043, 80
- Project title: Supporting Dialogue and Co-operation towards Expanding Youth Participation
- Location of organization: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
- Location of project implementation: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Vushtrri/Vučitrn and Skenderaj/Srbica
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
- Project goal: Support dialogue and co-operation to create tolerance and stimulate positive dialogue and debate, by increasing the participation of youth in promoting representation, education and employment reform. The project focuses on recognizing and benefiting from the measures and programs that the Employment Office provides for young people, which directly contributes on meeting the objectives of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) Strategy 2015-2020
- Project Funds: $43,549.00
- Project title: Mobilization of youth in preventing violent extremism
- Location of organization: Lipjan
- Location of project implementation: Prishtinë/Priština, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Obiliq/Obilić, Drenas/Glogovac, Podujevë/Podujevo and Lipjan
- Project duration: 12 months
- Theme 5. Expand Youth Participation
- Project goal: Establish sustainable interaction mechanisms and practices between local security structures and youth structures as a part of civil society and community groups. The project focuses on developing strategic policies and strengthening capacities of MCSCs (Municipal Community Safety Councils) with youth involvement for interacting in prevention of extremism (PVE), and establishing Youth Mechanism (non-formal youth group) for PVE.
- Project Funds: $24,996.56
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying for E4E grants!
20 April 2017 – ATRC signed agreements with eleven (11) local non-governmental organizations, grantees of the fifth round of Engagement for Equality – E4E Program, implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC), and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Grantees for this Round are:
- Project Title: Development of social entrepreneurship from a gender perspective
- Location of Organization: Gjakovë/Đakovica
- Location of Project: Gjakovë/Đakovica, Rahovec/Orahovac, Junik
- Project Duration: 10 months
- Topic: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Purpose: Information and education of women about the importance of social entrepreneurship status and transformation of informal businesses into social enterprises.
- Project Funds: $ 20,628.00
- Project Title: Women Empowered – The Application of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in Kosovo Serb Municipalities
- Location of Organization: Gračanica/Graçanicë
- Location of Project: Mitrovica North/Mitrovicë e Veriut, Leposavić/Leposaviq, Zvečan/Zveçan, Zubin Potok, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Ranilug/Ranillug, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Klokot/Kllokot, Parteš/Partesh and Štrpce/Shtërpcë
- Project Duration: 6 months
- Topic: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Purpose: Increase economic empowerment of women through implementation of gender responsive budgeting in 10 non-majority Kosovo municipalities.
- Project Funds: $ 21,880.10
- Project Title: Public Awareness Campaign on Women Property and Inheritance Rights in Junik municipality
- Location of Organization: Deçan/Dečani
- Location of Project: Municipality of Junik and Deçan/Dečani
- Project Duration: 8 months
- Topic: Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project Purpose: Raising awareness of the wide public regarding the right of women to property and inheritance, identification of challenges towards realization of this right and addressing such issues to relevant institutions.
- Project Funds: $ 18,688.00
- Project Title: Strengthening Women in Rural Areas through Education on Women’s Inheritance and Property Rights
- Location of Organization: North Mitrovica
- Location of Project: Rural areas of Municipalities- North Kosovo: Zvečan/Zveçan, Zubin Potok and Leposavić/Leposaviq
- Project Duration: 7 months
- Topic: Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project Purpose: Mobilization of the community in rural areas on the issue of Gender Equality, women’s inheritance and property rights.
- Project Funds: $ 23,546.00
- Project Title: Proactive Media for LGBTI rights
- Location of Organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of Project: Kosovo wide
- Project Duration: 9 months
- Topic: Increased protection and awareness of LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersexual) community rights
- Project Purpose: Raise awareness about the political, social, and cultural realities of LGBTI individuals in Kosovo toward their inclusion in Kosovar society.
- Project Funds: $ 15,222.70
- Project Title: Enhance Participation of Persons with Intellectual Impairments in Employment and Self-Empoyment
- Location of Organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of Project: Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Gjakovë/ Đakovica, Prizren, Ferizaj/ Uroševac, Gjilan/Gnjilane
- Project Duration: 11 months
- Topic: Expand Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
- Project Purpose: Increase the participation of persons with disabilities (PwD) in society, by improving their employment skills through training and practical work, and support PwD to start their own business.
- Project Funds: $ 19,400.50
- Project Title: Empowering Persons with Disabilities by Raising Awareness on Their Property Rights
- Location of Organization: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
- Location of Project: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Skenderaj/Srbica, Vushtrri/Vučitrn
- Project Duration: 8 months
- Topic: Expand Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PwD)
- Project Purpose: Engagement of people with disabilities (PwD) in advocacy processes and promoting the rights to property among PWD in Municipality of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Vushtrri/Vucitrn and Skenderaj/Srbica.
- Project Funds: $ 17,584.80
- Project Title: Film and Factual Media against Extremism
- Location of Organization: Prizren
- Location of Project: Kaçanik/Kačanik, Viti/Vitina, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Prizren, Suharekë/Suva Reka, Gjakovë/Đakovica, Hani i Elezit/Elez Han, Prishtinë/Priština
- Project Duration: 11 months
- Topic: Expand Youth Participation to Counter Violent Extremism
- Project Purpose: Raising awareness in communities about violent extremism through factual media and documentary film screenings.
- Project Funds: $ 20,083.20
- Project Title: Act smart
- Location of Organization: Dragash/Dragaš
- Location of Project: Dragash/Dragaš
- Project Duration: 9 months
- Topic: Expand Youth Participation to Counter Violent Extremism
- Project Purpose: Raising participation of youth to contribute towards tolerance, intercultural cooperation, and avoidance of groups/individuals that preach religious extremism and lack of interethnic and interfaith tolerance.
- Project Funds: $ 18,412.50
- Project Title: Countering Violent Extremism among Kosovo’s youth
- Location of Organization: Prishtinë/Priština
- Location of Project: Kosovo wide
- Project Duration: 6 months
- Topic: Expand Youth Participation to Counter Violent Extremism
- Project Purpose: Raise the awareness of the Kosovar youth about violent extremism in order to prevent their radicalization and recruitment of youth in terrorist groups.
- Project Funds: $ 24,290.00
- Project Title: Enhance youth participation in prevention of violent extremism
- Location of Organization: Skenderaj/Srbica
- Location of Project: Skenderaj/Srbica
- Project Duration: 7 months
- Topic: Expand Youth Participation to Counter Violent Extremism
- Project Purpose: Prevention of violent religious extremism through involvement of youth in educational activities and raising awareness of the wide public.
- Project Funds: $ 13,500.00
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying for E4E grants!
01 December 2016 – ATRC signed agreements with fifteen (15) local non-governmental organizations,
grantees of the fourth round of Engagement for Equality – E4E, implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC),
and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Awardees for this Round are:
- Project Title :Promotion of civil society in the fight against extremism in Kosovo
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Ferizaj/Uroševac, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Mitrovicë/a (south), Peja/Peć
- Project Duration : 12 months
- Theme: Enhanced youth participation in preventing violent extremism
- Project Goal: Contribution to a safer and more democratic society by active participation in policies and decision-making in Kosovo.
- Project Title: Women, agents of inheritance rights
- Location :Prishtinë/Priština
- Project Location: Viti/Vitina, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Štrpce/Shtërpcë and Ferizaj/Uroševac
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme: Empowerment of women through awareness raising on women’s ownership rights
- Project Goal: Education of women and men in rural areas on women’s rights to property and inheritance, and empowerment of women to claim such rights.
- Project Title:Rights of disabled persons to active participation and inclusion
- Location : North Mitrovica
- Project Location :North Mitrovica
- Project Duration : 12 Months
- Theme :Enhanced participation of disabled persons
- Project Goal: Inclusion of disabled persons in the decision-making process in North Mitrovica, and advocacy for their rights to overall socio-economic development
- Project Title: Common contribution for women’s rights to joint inheritance
- Location : Lipjan/Lipljane
- Project Location :Prishtinë/Priština, Lipjan/Lipljane, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Obiliq/Obilić, Gllogovc/Glogovac, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Shtime/Štimlje, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Hani i Elezit/Elez Han
- Project Duration : 12 months
- Theme : Empowerment of women through awareness raising on women’s ownership rights
- Project Goal: Information on inheritance rights, and support to women to enjoy their rights to inheritance
- Project Title: Gendered stances in civil society and the private sector
- Location : Prishtinë/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration: 12 Months
- Theme:Women in governance and economy
- Project Goal: Support to civil society and private sector to increase gender sensitivity
- Project Title: Treatment of violent extremism through social theatre
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Prishtinë, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Han i Elezit/Elez Han, Vushtrri/Vucitrn/Vucitern, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Pejë/Peć, Prizren, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Obiliq/Obilić, Gjilan/Gjilane, Lipjan/Lipjane, Mitrovicë/a, Suharekë/Suva Reka, Gjakovë/Đakovica
- Project Duration :12 Months
- Theme : Enhanced youth participation in preventing violent extremism
- Project Goal: Awareness raising of Kosovo youth on the issue of violent extremism, through arts
- Project Title:Inheritance rights for women, empowerment
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kamenicë/a, Viti/Vitina and Novobërdë/Novo Brdo
- Project Duration :11 Months
- Theme : Empowerment of women through awareness raising on women’s ownership rights
- Project Goal: Implementation of ex officio legal obligations on service of acts of death for judicial procedures.
- Project Title: We inform to prevent
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location :Ferizaj/Uroševac, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Prizren, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Pejë/Peć, Mitrovicë/a, Vushtrri/Vučitrn
- Project Duration :6 months
- Theme : Enhanced youth participation in preventing violent extremism
- Project Goal:Awareness raising of youth in preventing involvement in violent extremism
- Project Title: It is time to de-stigmatize disabled persons: let us begin to talk about it
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location :Kosovo
- Project Duration :8 months
- Theme : Enhanced participation of disabled persons
- Project Goal:General public awareness raising on the disabled people, through radio-information
- Project Title: Disability in local policies
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Prishtina/Priština
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Enhanced participation of disabled persons
- Project Goal:Improvement of access conditions and involvement of disabled persons in the Municipality of Prishtinë/Priština
- Project Title: Fighting violent extremism through a Critical thinking Program
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Prishtinë/Priština, Prizren, Mitrovicë/a, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Pejë/Peć, Gjakovë/Đakovica and Ferizaj/Urosevac
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Enhanced youth participation in preventing violent extremism
- Project Goal:Fighting violent extremist positions in youth, by promoting critical thinking, values of freedom and democracy, and respect for human rights
- Project Title: Review of gender-based discriminatory policies in the labour market
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Women in governance and economy
- Project Goal:Elimination of gender-based discrimination in the labour market, and creation of equal opportunities in employment
- Project Title: Women for Development – Activation for women in the labour market
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Goal:Advocacy to address gender gaps in the extent of working activities, by engaging political leadership and the private sector
- Project Title: Access of Women to Property
- Location: Gjakova/Đakovica
- Project Location : Gjakovë/Đakovica, Deçan/Dečani, Junik/Junik, Dragash/Dragaš
- Project Duration :8 months
- Theme : Empowerment of women through awareness raising on women’s ownership rights
- Project Goal:Awareness raising of women and girls to enjoy their rights to inheritance and increased institutional responsibility in this regard.
- Project Title: Empowerment of women to claim their rights to inheritance
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Empowerment of women through awareness raising on women’s ownership rights
- Project Goal:Purpose: Monitoring, advocacy for laws, initiation of public debate through media on the issues of family and inheritance law, by raising awareness of women and girls, wider public and public institutions.
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying on E4E grants!
02 June 2016 – ATRC signed agreements with eight (8) local non-governmental organizations,
awardees of the 3rd Round of regular grants for Engagement for Equity Program (E4E),
implemented by Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) and financed by United States Agency for
International development (USAID).
Awardees for this Round are:
- Project Title :Legal aid in cases of women ownership rights and building capacities of new women lawyers
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration : 10 months
- Theme: Empowering women through enhanced awareness of women’s property rights
- Project Goal: Provision of free legal aid to the citizens of Kosovo
- Project Title: Women’s rights in a democratic society
- Location : Gračanica/Gracanicë
- Project Location: Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Ranilug/Ranillug, Parteš/Partesh, Klokot/Kllokot, Štrpce/Shtërpcë and Gračanica/Gracanicë
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme: Empowering women through enhanced awareness of women’s property rights
- Project Goal: Documentation and reporting on cases of property and inheritance rights of men and women
- Project Title:Increasing law efficiency for the youth through monitoring
- Location : Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location :Kosovo
- Project Duration : 6 Months
- Theme :Expand youth participation
- Project Goal: Empower and involve young people in public life by improving the policies and implementing legislation.
- Project Title: Strengthening of persons with disabilities (PwD) community through increased participation in institutional policies and social Life
- Location : Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location :Kosovo
- Project Duration : 12 months
- Theme : Expand participation of persons with disabilities (PwD)
- Project Goal: Increase the awareness of PwD rights and unify the legal protection, by ensuring PwD inclusion through constructive dialogue with legislators.
- Project Title: Equal economic empowering for all women in Kosovo
- Location : Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration: 12 Months
- Theme:Women in governance and economy
- Project Goal: Ensure that women/victims of sexual violence enjoy equal rights and opportunities to participate in the government and economy by improving their representation, education and employment.
- Project Title: Educational integration and legal development
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration :12 Months
- Theme : Increased protection and awareness of LGBTI community rights
- Project Goal: Increase the visibility and the rights of the LGBTI community in Kosovo via public awareness and LGBTI community empowerment.
- Project Title: Partnership for empowering participation and performance of women in business project, by establishing the Women Economic Forum, drafting the National Agenda for Women in business and advocating for relevant issues
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location : Kosovo
- Project Duration :18 Months
- Theme : Women in governance and economy
- Project Goal: Enhance the position of women in business, as employers and employees alike, by creating a joint advocacy platform for the issues at hand and a national agenda addressing the engagement of women in business and economy.
- Project Title: Curriculum Review
- Location: Prishtina/Priština
- Project Location :Kosovo
- Project Duration :16 months
- Theme : Expand youth participation
- Project Goal:Influence and change the approach of the Kosovo society to human rights.
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying on E4E grants!
February 15, 2016 – ATRC has signed agreements with eight (8) local non-governmental organizations,
awardees of the 2nd Round of Grants for Engagement for Equity Program (E4E),
implemented by Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) and supported by United States
Agency for International development (USAID).
Awardees for this Round are:
- Project Title :Enhancing participation of women in North Mitrovica ion
- Location: North Mitrovica
- Project Location :Zubin Potok, Zvecan, Leposavic, north Mitrovica
- Project Duration : 12 months
- Theme: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Goal: Increase women’s participation in Northern Kosovo, including Zubin Potok, Zvecan, Leposavic, and north Mitrovica
- Project Title: Increasing community awareness on women’s property rights by using Art as a tool
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location: Twenty (20) municipalities in Kosovo
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme:Empowering women through enhanced awareness of women’s property rights
- Project Goal: Raise awareness through public education for both men and women about the benefits of formalized property rights and encouraging the change of existing attitudes towards women’s property rights
- Project Title:Little from self: much for PwD
- Location :Mitrovica
- Project Location : Mitrovica, Vushtri, Skenderaj
- Project Duration : 12 Months
- Theme : Expand participation of persons with disabilities (PwD)
- Project Goal: Advocate and promote business activities and enterprises for work/study training programs for unemployed PwDs and monitoring of the implementation of the law no: 03/L-019 on Vocational ability, rehabilitation and employment of Pwd, professional training and retraining and employment
- Project Title: Inclusion of the LGBT community in Kosovo Organization
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location : Kosovo Wide
- Project Duration : 20 months
- Theme : Increased protection and awareness of LGBT community rights
- Project Goal: To improve position of the LGBT community in Kosovo and increase level of understanding among the general population.
- Project Title: Women’s Support Project
- Location : Peja
- Project Location : Peja, Decan, Junik, Istog
- Project Duration: 15 months
- Theme: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Goal: Improvement of governance, parliamentarism and entrepreneurship at local and national level, advancing and building capacities and empowering women in public, private and non-governmental sectors, and improvement of their positions in institutions and businesses.
- Project Title: Youth with mental disabilities together for a better life
- Location: Peja
- Project Location : Peja, Istog, Decan
- Project Duration :12 months
- Theme : Expand participation of persons with disabilities (PwD)
- Project Goal: Promote social integration, participation and development of personal autonomy of children and young people with mental disabilities
- Project Title:Inclusion of youth in vocational education development
- Location : Ferizaj
- Project Location : Pristina, Mitrovica, Peja, Gjakova, Prizren, Gjilan, Ferizaj
- Project Duration:12 months
- Theme: Expand youth participation
- Project Goal: Develop youth through enhancement of local policies on professional education
- Project Title: Prizren, a barrier – free city
- Location : Prizren
- Project Location : Prizren region
- Project Duration: 12 months
- Theme: Expand participation of persons with disabilities (PwD)
- Project Goal: Increase the participation of persons with disabilities and young people in designing a barrier – free Prizren.
- Project Title: Supporting rights for LGBTI community in Kosovo through engagement of Kosovo Institutions
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location : Pristina
- Project Duration: 18 months
- Theme:increased protection and awareness of LGBT community rights
- Project Goal: Support the implementation of anti-discrimination policies related to LGBT community in Kosovo in all levels of society and especially in workplace.
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying on E4E grants!
31 August 2015 – ATRC has signed agreements with six local non-governmental organizations,
awardees of the 1st Round of Grants for Engagement for Equity Program (E4E),
implemented by Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) and supported by
United States Agency for International development (USAID).
Awardees for this Round are:
- Project Title :Change Kosovo by Empowering Women Organization
- Location: Pristina
- Project Location : Drenas, Kamenica and Rahovec
- Project Duration : 18 Months
- Theme: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Goal: Socio-economic empowerment of women in three municipalities: Drenas, Rahovec and Kamenica.
- Project Title: Increasing Public Awareness of Women’s Property Rights in northern Kosovo Organization
- Location : North Mitrovica
- Project Location: North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic
- Project Duration :12 Months
- Theme: Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project Goal: To empower women in northern Kosovo through raising awareness on Women’s Property Rights and advocacy for the establishment of local mechanisms for ensuring Gender Equality.
- Project Title:Empowering women to seek their inheritance rights Organization
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location : Kosovo wide
- Project Duration : 12 Months
- Theme : Empowering Women through Enhanced Awareness of Women’s Property Rights
- Project Goal: To enhance awareness among women in Kosovo regarding their heritage and property rights
- Project Title: Inclusion of the LGBT community in Kosovo Organization
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location : Kosovo Wide
- Project Duration : 20 months
- Theme : Increased protection and awareness of LGBT community rights
- Project Goal: To improve position of the LGBT community in Kosovo and increase level of understanding among the general population.
- Project Title: RAE Women in Governance and Economy Organization
- Location : Pristina
- Project Location : Mitrovica South, Fushë Kosova, Gjakova, Prizren, Peja, Ferizaj and Gracanica.
- Project Duration: 12 Months
- Theme: Women in Governance and Economy
- Project Goal: To have more equitable participation of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian women in political and economic spheres of society at household, community, municipal, and national levels. .
- Project Title: Youth involvement in promoting fight against corruption in education system in Kosovo Organization
- Location: Pristina
- Project Location : Pristina, Gjakova, Mitrovica, Ferizaj and Podujeva.
- Project Duration :24 Months
- Theme : Expand Youth Participation
- Project Goal: To prevent and minimize corruption in the education system in Kosovo through involvement and activation of youth
We congratulate all the awardees and encourage others to continue applying on E4E grants!